Welcome to D-Club

“What’s down in the dark
Will be brought to the light.”

Johnny Cash

D-CLUB, or, as I’m sometimes joking, an Ugly Duckling Lounge, is a growing community of people to whom art means something more than a three-letter word. Whether you’d like to share your art, practice your craft, find your “swans”, have fun, or have a different deeper perspective on what art is and what creativity could be, this is your home.

D-Club is a sexy mix of Art and Spirituality, topped with joy, beauty, and classical taste.

Simply, here we grow, we share, we have fun, and we’re constantly discovering something new and unlocking our creative DNAs through club activities.

Below you’ll find a few events that define what D-Club is about.


…another book club?

Some book clubs are more like my grandmother’s knitting circle. 
This book club is curated and offers an immersive workshop based on a chosen book. The good thing is that you don’t have to read the book prior, I build my lecture using the book to talk about certain aspects of life from the quantum healing point. 

And then if you like it, you’ll get yourself one!

True art is healing if you know how to receive the healing energy, and this is the place where you can experience it. Plus we do creative games and make the whole experience slightly immersive. Duh. 


hooray, movie! Let’s do it. 

Wait, we’re gonna learn something first.


interactive lecture to begin with:  giving a multidimensional overview of the layers of the story from an art, historical, and spiritual perspective. 


we know what we are watching, why, what to look for, what to appreciate, and learn some fun or interesting facts about the production or the impact of the movie on the history of cinema. 


Monthly writing gathering where you can test your work on the audience, and get feedback from established professionals from the industry (critics, writers, screenwriters, directors, editors)

What’s different about it is that I use tools from energy and spiritual practices and creative writing exercises to help you find answers to your questions regarding your work, practice something new, and get inspired for the new work.

If there is a question, there is always an answer. 


BS is a No BS Immersive Themed Art gathering, where a carefully selected crowd becomes a part of a curated party experience that includes creative games for all the participants, performances born out of the games, community-building spiritual activities, and highly encouraged dancing.

Past Events

In case you’re wondering… Who is the chef?!

I, Daria A. Meyer, am the founder and the creator of D-Club. This concept has been floating around me for my entire life (it’s not a metaphor, I made the first prototype of D-Club when I was in 1st grade, it was so much fun!) Along with my performer’s career sharing the experience of creative process and forming an art community has been an inevitable narrative of my existence. This version of D-Club is the biggest shot.. so far! 

Next Event: Writing Gym

Next Event: Writing Gym